
Don’t Call Me Maybe

There are days that can make you feel dead inside.

There are days where rainbows shine after the rain and songs that play randomly remind you that the spirits of your loved ones are close.

Nothing in life is perfect or guaranteed.

It’s easier to lie because the telling the truth is too hard.

It’s easier to be angry for what you don’t have than be grateful for something you do.

It’s easier to be a fake version of yourself than the true version.

But whatever your path, it was a choice you made.

No one forced you.

I’ve being doing a lot of reflection lately. Reading past posts and journals to see where I fell, where I allowed the brick walls to stop me.

I’m none the wiser on the answers.

All I can say is that I MIGHT be more sure on some things:

I will only ask you once for something or ask you for your time once. If you say you’ll do something, you’ll get back to me, or you want to do something, etc and you don’t live up to your word, don’t get upset I didn’t ask or remind you again. It’s not my job to hold you accountable to your word. It’s your word. Not mine.

And I can already hear the buts and what if-fers out there.

So to nip all y’all in the bud, reconfirming already made plans is not asking again.

Me asking you if you want to join me for a concert, movie, dinner, hike, adventure, etc and you saying well I gotta check and let you know and then getting your knickers in a wad when I go ahead with the plans without you is what I’m taking about.

If you have absolutely no desire or zero fucking interest in doing whatever is asked, grow a spine and learn two very simple one word sentences.



Complete sentences that don’t need explanation.

For the love of all that is sacred, don’t fucking say maybe when the answer is already no.