One Word After Another

I have written more words on this one novel than I care to admit. I have scrapped those words even more than I care to admit. It is a novel that has haunted my head for many, many years.

There are times when I want to quit writing it, but it waits patiently for me like a thief in the night. It sits quietly in the corner when my mind is loud with another novel. It screams like a two year old when it wants my attention.

Today, I have finally committed myself to finish it. I have said this before and it’s never come to fruition, but something in me clicked today and I am ready to face this demon of a novel. I will slay it. I will finish it. I have given myself October and November to finish it.

I have to finish it. For my own sanity. I really need the characters to get out of my head. I feel like I’m holding onto something. I don’t know what that something is, but I know I have to write and let these characters go. It’s time for them to flee the nest of my head.

Come hell or high water. This novel will be finished. Like the quote says…“one word after another until it’s done.”

Listening to “Tired Wings” by The Four Horsemen

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