within lies deep ache within lies sadness within lies broken pieces within lies depression within lies anxiety within lies strength within lies faith within lies fight within lies fire within lies desire within lies life Continue reading Within
Stolen Moments
stolen moments caught in time two hearts bathed in universal light filling the world with magic and filling it with delight stolen moments taken in love by the purest light This is one of the few photos we have of my mom (Lek) with my youngest niece (Taylor). She loved her granddaughters more than anything else and cherished the earth they lived on. Continue reading Stolen Moments
Songs of My Life: January 2018
I didn’t make any resolutions for 2018. I did make targets I’d like to reach as you can always step back and realign if necessary. I think if you label things as a resolution or goal and you stumble, it seems like immediate failure. I’ve had this target mindset since 2012 and it’s worked and I don’t see it not working for 2018. The month … Continue reading Songs of My Life: January 2018
A Big Hurt
a big hurt believing one could love another a big hurt knowing a certain sadness a big hurt licking wounds in the darkness a big hurt mending scars on the soul a big hurt letting go of love a big hurt small compared to death a big hurt not worth the end pain a big hurt a lesson learned Inspired by “A Big Hurt” from … Continue reading A Big Hurt
Never Get Old
“I’d like to offer you some advice,” he said, putting the cup of tea down in front of me and lighting a cigarette. “And what’s that?” I asked, wrapping my hands around the cup of tea. I had expected it to warm my hands and soothe my soul, but it was cold and did anything but soothe. “Take care of yourself. First and foremost. You … Continue reading Never Get Old
Player One, Ready!
If you don’t get the reference, it’s from playing video games. Specifically arcade games (for me anyway). You dropped your money into the slot and pressed how many players there were and off you go battling your little heart out until you ran out of lives. Just like life, minus the multiple lives. But before the game started, it would always say, Player One, Ready! … Continue reading Player One, Ready!
Round and Round
Life on the blue and green planet spins round and round. That’s how it is. That’s how it always will be. Until the end of time. Whenever that is. Existence evolves and sometimes devolves, but more often than not, it evolves. Hopefully, it evolves for the better, but it is not always the case. The human spirit usually sees the wrong and fixes its mistakes. … Continue reading Round and Round
December Haikus
360 days of haikus. I started writing these on a whim on January 6th after I read “The Portable Jack Kerouac”. I gave myself a challenge to write every day and though it might not have been my traditional style of writing or my preferred style of writing, I wrote 3 lines every day. I don’t think I’ll be continuing my daily haikus into 2018. … Continue reading December Haikus
Songs of My Life: December 2017
The first part of December was a bit of a struggle mentally and emotionally for me. As I neared the anniversary of my mom’s death, I honestly didn’t think I could take any more tears or pain. My soul rallied and we made it through and have set the intentions for an amazing 2018. Here are the songs that helped and inspired me this month. … Continue reading Songs of My Life: December 2017
Feeling Blah
This has been a shitty week for me emotionally, mentally and spiritually. It might be remnants of November or it could be this is the week my mama passed away 8 years ago. There have been nights where I can’t stop crying and days where I’m so hurt I’m past the point of caring and feel like screaming fuck off/fuck you. Mostly I’m at the … Continue reading Feeling Blah