Songs of My Life: April 2016

I don’t know what to say for April. I feel there was no rhyme nor reason with the music this month. I’m okay with that. To me, when the songs are random and do not connect, I feel that it’s a message from the Universe that I’m on the right path, where I should be, listening to what is being said, feeling what is being given, doing what I need to be doing, etc…etc…etc. April has been wonderful and I am grateful for that. I am also grateful for the journeys and the people who are in my life.

“No End to Loving Days” by Everything
This song set the mood for April. The song is just about living in the moment and being in the moment. I could just put all the lyrics on here, but I think you should just listen to the lyrics of this song. I couldn’t find the original song by Everything but here is Craig Honeycutt (vocalist for Everything) singing it.

“Days Like This” by Van Morrison
I feel like I really don’t need to explain why this song is on here because we all have “those days” and there will be days like this or that. Sometimes it’s okay to wallow in those whoa-is-me-days, just don’t live there.


“Stand Tall” by Dirty Heads
iTunes on shuffle…I connected to these lyrics: “…Gonna sing my song gonna sing it proud. No ones gonna bring me down. Gonna stand up strong gonna hold my ground…Stand tall, it gets a little better…”

“Only One” by John Butler Trio
I can’t remember why I dragged this little ditty over into the playlist, but I have always dug this song. It’s a fun jam and so is the video.

“Move It” (feat. Richard Z.Kruspe) by Hotei
Basically, I will pay attention to anything Richard (guitarist from Rammstein and vocalist/guitarist for Emigrate) does and this song showcases Hotei’s guitar skills. I don’t know a lot about Hotei (yes, I know, I can fucking Google, but I don’t want to pretend to know a shit ton about him just to write this), but I dig this song. It satisfies my inner rock chick.

“Calling All Angels” by Train
I blame myself for this song…because overtime I ask the Universe to show me a sign, I start singing this fucking song. EVERY. DAMN. TIME.

“Heart of a Dog” by The Kills
2nd single from The Kills. Fun little video. I perceive the band to have so much swagger and coolness that it’s nice to see them be goofy. I also like these lyrics: “…I’m loyal. I’ve got a heart of a dog…”

“I Release” by Gareth Asher & the Earthlings
These lyrics became my daily anthem: “I release the countless questions. I release my point of view. I release the expectations. All the ones I had for you. May a good day come and find me and shine upon you too. I release…” I just let go this month. This song reminded me to “trust and believe” in the Universe and in others.
[bandcamp width=100% height=120 album=1142794105 size=large bgcol=ffffff linkcol=0687f5 tracklist=false artwork=small track=109101589]

“Lady With The Spinning Head” by U2
I wrote a short piece for someone and wrote that they made me the “lady with the spinning head” because that is how my brain feels around them. Now that I think about it, it’s actually quite the opposite of what I wrote in the piece. When I am around this person, their energy and their being makes my head quiet and calm.

“Purple Rain” by Prince
Prince. That is all. May he rest in peace.

“Once In a Lifetime” by The Exies
Yep, this is a Talking Heads cover. I think the boys in The Exies do a wonderful cover here. They give the song emotion that the original didn’t.