Unattainable Isn’t Always Out of Reach

As I wrote in a previous blog entry, my goal was to write a huge chunk of Lucifer’s Angel. I’d like to report that didn’t happen. I wrote in that story. I struggled with 2000 words a night and then I went on vacation to Vegas. I came back feeling ready to go, but alas Lucifer’s Angel my achilles heel when it comes to writing left me feeling weak as a writer.
Last Sunday (November 22nd), I sat staring out my window feeling kind of down. I realized I wasn’t going to be able to reach my 50,000 word goal with Lucifer’s Angel. I opened the word document and stared at the blinking cursor.
Write it screamed with each blink. WRITE. WRITE. WRITE.
I minimized the document and started going through old files. As I read file after file, this image was in the forefront of my mind. It just wouldn’t leave so I figured, I’d need to capture this image on paper. I could use it for something in another story I thought.
I wrote the image onto paper and something clicked in my head. I could use the image or parts of it in something I had started a few months back. It would actually fit perfect into the story. Even if I’m working on a project and another idea pops into my head, I’ll at least get it started and make notes about the story. I was listening to Ray Lamontagne’s “Barfly” and the lyrics “Slow down, you’re movin’ too fast. Kiss me before you go. I’m going low and lately” just gave me this character I was drawn too. I wrote her scene and put it away.
Then the image that wouldn’t go away happened.
32,000 words later…Barfly: A Novel is progressing nicely and once again Lucifer’s Angel was shoved aside.
I doubt I will reach 50,000 by tomorrow night @ Midnight. Who knows though…maybe the next 18,000 words will come so freaking easy like the the first 32,000 words that I will reach 50K. Even if I don’t, 32K in words in seven days is freaking awesome. I’m so proud of myself for getting that far. As I said early last week in a tweet, it my turn out to be a crappy novel but I will have enjoyed the journey of writing it.
And I have enjoyed the journey of writing it. Barfly has a piece of my soul. A piece of my soul I didn’t know I wanted to share or give it. I didn’t think I would finish another novel this year, but it looks like I will have completed two. An idea that has shocked me and inspired me.
All because I was inspired by an unattainable crush and an image of him in a suit.
Listening to “True Love Will Find You in the End” by Matthew Good

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