Why Do I Write?

Last night, a writer & blogger I follow on Twitter, The Bloggess retweeted some tweets with the hash tag #blog2012 and were reasons others write. It was great to see the reasons other writers write.

It got me to thinking…why do I write?

Do I write to quiet the cast of characters that live in my head?
Do I write to share what I’m feeling, thinking, dreaming, etc?
Do I write to vent?
Do I write to replace the urge to punch someone or cause harm to someone?
Do I write to give my soul peace?
Do I write for me? for others? for a legacy I may leave behind?

The answer to all the above is YES.

This site, is a journal to the world that I want to share. Investigate the dark places of my mind and the world with me. Tread carefully and bring a flashlight. Celebrate the fantastic with me. Shed tears with me. Believe in the Universe with me. As much as I write for me, I write for the person that takes a moment out of their life to share mine. (For those reading, I am honored and humbled that you took the time to come to my site.)

My creative writing (novels, poems, stories, etc), these characters in my head and their voices want their story told. I’m just a vessel for them. I write so they can be heard. I write because their stories seem so great and magical to me that I want to share them with the world. I may never hit the NY Bestseller list, but at least I tell the story, even if the only place anyone can read it, is here on this site.

I have reality job (aka real job and what I do in my real life…aka reality) but I’m a writer by day and by night. Today, I got two great titles for novels just be listening to music and reading a website. The moment I heard/saw, characters started dancing in my head along with story ideas. New characters and ideas are like children on a sugar high. I have to calm them down and put them in line or in a room where they can grow and play until I’m ready for their story. Some are just worth moving to the front of the line and dropping everything.

One of my favorite picture that I took while in Australia (posted below) has inspired a scene in my head. I think about it EVERYDAY but I have yet to put pen to paper or finger to keyboards to start it. There is something missing. I don’t know what it is, but a key piece is missing. Maybe it’s the character’s voice or the tone of the novel, something is missing. When I started Barfly, I had a vision of a woman sitting at a bar alone, and I didn’t know where the novel was heading until I saw a man across the room in suit. Pieces fell together. I have the scene for the new novel, but don’t have a character. It’s hard to write without a character.

Now I’ve gotten off on bit of a tangent…apologies…writing does that to me…

I leave you with the picture that is the inspiration behind my new novel. I hope to have it finished by March 15th. (Big goal. Big dream)

Waverley Cemetery | Bronte, NSW
This cemetery is absolutely breathtaking.

Listening to “Singin’ Man” by Gareth Asher

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