Challenging a Young Mind

My niece is here with me tonight. She’s my polar opposite in the zodiac world. I’m a Scorpio and she’s a Taurus, but she’s so like me in so many ways. She’s creative, loves music, and has a hunger for knowledge that cannot be satiated.

While I sat writing in The Dumbing Down of Love she asked me what I was doing. I told her I was writing in my story and gave her the title. I told her what it was about and that I also wanted to write on two vampire novels. I also gave her the titles that I would like to call them. She sat amazed that I could come up with something like that. So I challenged her to write five pages of whatever she wanted to write. To create a story like she creates for Barbies and so on. She retired to the living room with Shrek 3 and her notebook and pencil.

I just read her first page. She was so happy to create the title, the book of contents page, and her first page. I must say, it’s fantastic work for a nine year old, but I am also biased since I am her aunt. I look forward to reading her next four pages and see where her character Angie goes. Maybe by challenging her young mind, I helped create a creative spirit who will challenge others to create.

Listening to “Brightly” by Sleeping at Last

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