Time Flies

Damn, the month is over. Felt like yesterday when I wrote my last post…apologies all. I wish I could say I was out saving the world, creating cures for disease, and fixing the ozone, but I was either watching Doctor Who or running. At the end of April, I decided to watch/rewatch Seasons 5, 6 & what had been shown of Season 7 so I … Continue reading Time Flies


Yesterday wasn’t a great writing day for me. If I’m going to finish this novel by April 30th, it’s going to be down right impossible if I continue having writing days like yesterday. Why was yesterday so bad? I wrote ZERO words. It takes words to fill a page…pages to fill a chapter…chapters to fill a book. I accomplished a big fat nothing. I tried. … Continue reading Inspired

Just Me

10 weeks ago, if you had said to me that I would be looking at a calendar filled with 10 weeks of stars for working out and that I would have been doing 10 weeks of cardio, 4-5 days and sometimes even 6 days a week, I would have laughed hysterically in your face. Seriously. LAUGHED. IN. YOUR. FACE. On Twitter, I follow, Amelia Burton, and … Continue reading Just Me