Which Stings Worse: Rejection or Laughter?

Just finished a 2000 word short story to submit for a contest.

At first, I was scared to write only 2000 words and then I realized it was going to be hard to edit to 2000 words. A lot of “he said, she said” was left out and that made me realize it wasn’t needed and that the story could be told just as well without it.

Then as I came to the last few words, I realized I am petrified to submit the story! Not for fear of rejection but of the fear that someone may read it and go that was the dumbest piece of work that I have ever read!

I’ve prepared for the inevitable rejection that will come while searching for an agent and publisher but what I don’t know is that if I can take someone laughing at all the hard work I have put on paper. In my mind, the sting of rejection is not nearly as bad as the sting of laughter on something that is a piece of your soul.

But I will hit send and submit and hope for the best or at least an interest from someone who might think, not bad, I think we’ve got something here.

Listening to “On My Way” by Tater

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