Does Writing Equal Crazy?

Normally when someone says “I hear voices in my head” one automatically thinks CRAZY! Writers hear voices (characters) in their head all the time so couldn’t we be deemed crazy too?

I guess in reality Quiet Riot had it right when they sang “Mama, we’re all crazy now!”

For the last two months I’ve focused on working on one project instead of multiple projects because I really just needed to finish at least one project before the end of the year hit. But the other characters are just knocking on in the inside of my skull demanding to be heard. They don’t care about my goal. They just want their voices heard.

It’s why I love my characters. They’re relentless and passionate. They’re selfish and maybe even selfless at times. And in due time, all of them will have their story told. They’re just going to have to be patient.

Actually not listening to anything right now other than the washing machine…crazy huh?

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