I Don’t Know and I Don’t Care

The subject line is from a Jimmy Buffett song which is also the title of the song. Another favorite lyric is, “Couldn’t care less. Feels all right.” by Matthew Ryan from “Killing the Ghost.”

Why all the sudden lack of caring you might ask?

I’m mentally tired and physically tired from writing. I’ve written so much with so much more to go. I’d like to say I’m at the halfway point, but I am merely about twenty-five percent there. Which is about twenty more percent than where I was when I started this week of writing.

And it’s really not lack of caring…I do care. I care a lot. It’s just the prospect of not knowing when it will all end (I don’t know) and how long it will take (I don’t care.) Instead of working on two projects like I normally do, I focused on one project and since I have an ADD mind that is like two year old on a bag of candy, it has been very very hard to stay committed to one tale. But alas, I have and have reached the point where I normally bail on what I’ve written. Which I wont. I gave myself a deadline and that deadline is in twenty-seven days because I will be spending the last remaining days with friends unwinding from all the writing and all the paycheck work that I have done this year.

So the deadline is now looming and so is the prospect of finishing another twenty chapters…

Technically, that’s a chapter a day with some extra days left over.

I can do this. I have to do this for my own sanity.

Listening to “Sell All My Things” by Rosie Thomas

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