This is a Rave

No…not the kind where you need glowsticks…but you can bring them to the party if you want.

My last post was a bit of a rant, so I wanted to squash that negative feeling with some positive.

Let’s RAVE!

  • Music
    I have an audio clip of Ville Valo of H.I.M. saying, “Music if my God, my best friend,” and that’s pretty much how I feel about music. I would love to write that I can play an instrument but I have the rhythm of an irregular heartbeat and know how to play a mean “Mary Had a Little Lamb” on the piano. I like tinkering on instruments though I can’t play.
    I received an advance copy of one of my favorite bands, 26, and I had the extreme joy of listening to the not so final and mixed so I knew what I was going into if there were no major changes. Loved listening to it a few months ago, but cannot wait to put these pieces of art on my iPod and spend some quality time running and driving to them. Getting this album, Sunshine Salvation, was truly a gift in my world. And I’ll buy a copy when it’s released too. Yes, I’m that much of a fan.
    While music has helped me through the good and the bad, my repayment to the music and the artists that create it, is supporting them through buying their music and merchandise and of course promoting them and turning others onto them. It’s the least I can do. They’ve helped me, I need to pay it forward and help them.

  • Nick da Dawg
    I’m so glad my dad rescued that little fur ball from a waitress at a truck stop who had to give him up. He’s a knucklehead but he is my constant reminder of unconditional love and the simple things in life. I can’t give him enough belly rubs to repay him for the knowledge, patience, and peace he brings me daily.

  • AHL Hockey
    I might not be counting days to the NHL season, but I am counting down the days to when the Charlotte Checkers play on November 4th. I cannot wait to sit in the frozen tundra of the Time Warner Cable Arena and watch the warm-ups and the drop of the puck and the season start. Two hours of me time watching the sport I love.

  • Working Out
    Though I truly detest working out, I’m raving about it because it makes me healthier and more appreciative of what is looking back at me in the mirror.

  • Positivity
    No matter the day, the moment, the feeling, I think of my mom and her saying this, “It’s a long way from your heart,” and she was and is and always will be right. No matter the negative, it’s a long way from my heart and all I need is to pause and bring the positivity or sunshine in.

  • The Night Sky
    For constantly keeping me in awe of the Universe and the beauty of Miss Luna (the Moon). For every twinkle of the star, I am forever more enamored with your existence.

  • Twitter
    Yes, I’m raving about Twitter. How else in the world do you connect with others in different time zones, in different countries, and different continents about the same thing at the same time. Yes, if a tree falls in the woods, someone is tweeting about it. Besides, I’ve made some great friendships on this social media website and to think I joined because I read somewhere that it was a great place to get ideas for novels. I let my original account go and created the one I have now and have never looked back. I am a Twitter fan through and through.

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