28 Day Boot Camp

Well that whole 28 day boot camp was an epic fail…okay so maybe not epic but fail it was.

I lasted 2 weeks with no booze, caffeine, meat, carbonation.

I learned that I need to work out a minimum of 3 to 4 days a week. I have to do a lot of cardio to burn calories and I need to do yoga to maintain my own peace of mind.

I slacked off the works out big time last week. I blame work. It kicks my ass and sometimes my hours are long and when I get home, I just want to sit on the couch and play fetch with my dog.

Despite not being able to stick to the 28 day boot camp, I am down 3lbs and I feel lighter and my clothes don’t feel so tight. I know what I have to do to change. I have no excuses. If I want to change, I need to just fucking do it.

Today, I stop bullshitting myself.

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