Day 5 – Time for Changes

This is my 2nd time not working out this week which means nothing but works out for the rest of the week. Yoga really did kick my ass yesterday. My upper arms and shoulders are so sore I feel like I’ve been stressing out for something for 1000 years. I also couldn’t do a work out that was heartfelt. I don’t want to phone a work out in, I want to sweat and feel the pain. I’m just choosing to listen to my body today and it said rest.

I tried a raw & vegan cheesy quesadilla today and it was amazing. (I found a recipe that seems similar HERE) I might try to incorporate a raw or vegan day into my life after this boot camp. I have an excellent recipe for a raw “tuna” salad a friend gave me and it is fantastic.

Today was a day of epiphanies. I want to change more in my diet after this boot camp. I want to try and eliminate processed food and I want to stay a vegetarian. The hard thing, I find, about being a vegetarian is the eliminating the processed food like the veggie burgers, etc. Though I have found a few good looking recipes for non processed veggie burgers I’d like to try. I figure I’ll do this after the boot camp. It will be easier to focus on because trying to eliminate alcohol, caffeine, meat, and carbonated drinks has been trying. The other dayI had a small glass of tea because it wasn’t carbonated, but I realized half way through it, that it had caffeine. I felt bad but I didn’t punish myself for it. I’m going to slip up and I’m going to make mistakes. I just have to remember to not let those mistakes throw everything off the track.

Some have asked why I’m doing this so called boot camp and it’s just to get me focused. I’m not going to loose the weight I want with it, but it will discipline me and right now, I need a little of that in my life.

So here’s to discipline and changes…here’s to developing a new me…

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