Songs of My Life: May 2019

Musically, the songs of May may not have been about patience, but I feel that was what I was suppose to learn this month. Patience. Patience with myself, my soul, my spirit, my physical journey and patience with others. Listen on AppleMusic Listen on Spotify “Rainin’” by Sponge (Live at Rock Ring version) This will always be one of my favorite Sponge songs and this beauty … Continue reading Songs of My Life: May 2019


Restoration: the act of restoring; renewal, revival, or reestablishment :: restitution of something taken away or lost. I sort of mentally beat myself up today. I found myself criticizing the fact that I: stayed awake to 3a watching the new season of Queer Eye on Sat slept in until 1pm on Sun had a raging migraine on Sun made poor dietary choices during the weekend Then it … Continue reading Restoration